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October 26, 2022

Why I Don’t List Build In My Affiliate Marketing Business

Posted In: Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Business, Facebook Advertising

Transcript Below

What’s up guys? Robby Blanchard here. In this video, I wanna share with you why I don’t do any list building in my affiliate marketing business. I think you’re gonna find it really interesting, so check it out right now.

All right guys, so in this video I wanna share with you why I don’t do list building when I do my affiliate marketing which sounds counterintuitive. I think some people actually yell at me and say, Robby, you’re crazy. Why are you not building a list when it comes to your affiliate marketing stuff? And guys, the reason it’s simple, right? So I’ve learned over the past couple years that you have to be dialed in. You have to specialize in something, right? So for me, I could never figure out, figure out affiliate marketing, right? So many people that I know, especially in the health and fitness industry and the online world as affiliate marketers, they kill it when it comes to email marketing, right? I know some guys that have lists of millions and millions on their email list. I know one guy that has 20 million people on his email list, and he makes anywhere from two to $3 million each and every month which is crazy.

But I just can’t figure it out, okay? And the reason why is because it’s just, I just can’t, I don’t know how to, you know, do the list cleaning, the hygiene, the unsubscribes, the, you know, all these things, right? That’s a whole other thing that I haven’t had success with, right? And that’s okay. You don’t have to be good at everything in order to be successful, right? What I’ve gotten really good at is running affiliate offers from ClickBank and other networks and promoting them on Facebook. That is what I’m good at, okay? And the way that I do that is I follow my three step process, which is, you know, pretty much what any affiliate marketer does which is running an ad, the ad goes to a landing page, which can be a quiz or an article lander, and then it sends them to an offer.

I do not capture the email on landing page. The reason why is because it will diminish my day one roi. As an affiliate marketer, I wanna make money and I wanna make a profit, right? If I’m spending money on an ad and I’m putting money on Facebook and paying for that ad, I wanna see a return from it. Ideally, I wanna see a day one return. I want an roi, right? Because that is how I am able to scale if I had my own business. Now, in a different example, right? I have commission hero, right? I am building the email list for a commission hero because I don’t see that as affiliate marketing that is building a brand in the business, okay? But when it comes to being an affiliate marketer, it’s all about making money, right? Because it’s not your product, it’s not your service.

It’s not, you don’t have to deal with customer support. All you wanna do is make money on it. So that’s why I focus on just going from the ad to the landing page to the offer, okay? Now, I also teach this in my commission hero course to my students. And the reason why I teach them to do this and not worry about email marketing is because it’s a whole other can of worms, right? Because they’re learning how to run ads to these offers and to make money, and many of ’em having a lot of success. But if I were to throw into the fire another thing that they have to learn, which is email marketing, guess what guys? Now they’re gonna get distracted. Now they’re gonna get more confused, and now they’re not gonna have as much as much success as if they are just narrowing deep on one thing.

So that’s the main reason why I do it, guys, is because you don’t have to have an email list in order to be successful. Like I mentioned on previous videos, you only need to have an audience to be successful with affiliate marketing. You just need to pick one thing and be really good at it, right? If you’re really good at writing emails and finding the right offers and, and optimizing your email campaigns and getting people to inbox then go for that. Do that. I mean, that’s awesome. You can make a lot of money with email marketing, right? For me personally, that’s just not my jam. That’s not what I focus on, and that’s not where I’ve had the most success. And so that’s okay, right? Am I leaving money on the table? Maybe I am, but it doesn’t matter because I’m going narrow and deep on what I’m good at, and that is advertising with Facebook.

All right guys, so that’s it. So just goes to show when it comes to advertising and affiliate marketing, you don’t have to do it the same way everybody else does, right? There are a lot of people that do email marketing and that’s great. You can do definitely go that path, right? You can do paid traffic and not collect emails and have success, right? There’s so many different ways you can do it. There’s so many different ways you can skin the cat. So hopefully that makes sense, guys. So whatever way you’re gonna go, just make sure you go narrow and deep. And like I said before in my previous videos, go a hundred percent all in on it and I promise you’re gonna have success.

Hey, thanks so much for watching this video, guys. If you like this video, then you’re gonna love the free gift that I have for you in the description below. It’s a free training on how I became the number one click bank affiliate in the entire world, but more importantly, how you can make money online too. Now, guys, if you love this video, then make sure you do three things for me right now. Give me a thumbs up, show me you like the content. Also make sure you comment below because I love to answer your questions. And finally, make sure you hit that subscribe button because each and every week we’re pumping out new content to make you more money online. So that’s it guys. I’ll talk to you soon and take care.