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July 30, 2022

Implement This Instant Strategy For Affiliate Marketing

Posted In: Affiliate Marketing, Affiliate Marketing Business, Clickbank Affiliate Marketing

Transcript Below

Hey, what’s up guys? Robby Blanchard here. In this video, I wanna share with you how you can use this instant strategy with affiliate marketing to make money today. It’s gonna be exciting, so make sure you check it out right now.

All right guys, so in this video we’re talking about ClickBank, once again, affiliate marketing, but also more specifically we’re talking about how you can make money today with affiliate marketing if you’ve never done it before, what’s an instant strategy you can use to make money? And I’m gonna show you how to do that right now in this video. So, a lot of people think, and you’ve seen my success and you’ve seen, you know, my screenshots and, and, and actually you’ve seen inside of my Click Bank account where I’ve done literally millions of dollars in affiliate revenue with Click Bank, right? And you may think, Robbie, that’s crazy. I don’t have any money to spend on ads on Facebook or other platforms. How can I do it? How can I make money today? And I’m gonna show you a couple ways for free that you can that are literally don’t cost you anything.

You just need to have your free click bank account, and you need to find some good offers to convert. Okay? So here’s the way to do it, and here’s the best way that I found to do it. If you don’t have any money right now to use for paid advertising. So let’s get into it. Now, let’s hop into my account right now. You can see that we are once again in my click Bank account. And once again, remember as I showed in other videos prior to this, if you haven’t seen those videos on my channel, be sure to check ’em out. But go to the marketplace cuz the marketplace is where you find all of these great offers, okay? And so what I would recommend doing guys, is look, once again, look at those three big niches, right? The three biggest niches in the world, which are health, wealth, and relationships.

Okay? And we’re just gonna go ahead and head and hit search. And you can find a lot of stuff on here, guys, right? So one of the cool things that I like to do is I like to search for offers that are you know, gonna match up with you know, things that I want to promote, right? So for example, and, and then those niches, right? So for example, let’s take this one right here. So Organifi is basically a green drink. It’s a lot of vegetables and, and it’s, it’s packed down to a powder. It’s a green juice. So basically you get all of your vegetables, all your fruit servings in one green drink, which is pretty cool. Now, if you look in here you can see that the average sale is $75 and 65 cents which is pretty cool.

And the reason why is because it’s a physical product, right? It’s a physical thing to get the juice right and to get that Organifi. Now what I would do, okay, so once I establish what my offer is that I want to promote, okay, typically what I’ll do is I’ll go into Facebook and I will promote it two ways for free, okay? The first way I’ll promote it is I’ll actually post it on my profile, okay? So if you have a profile of your friends and family, what I would recommend is you know, get the product. So buy the product if you wanna buy it. So have that Organifi bottle with you, and then just make a video and just, Hey, listen, hey, hey, is Robbie here? And I just wanted to share with all my friends here on Facebook that I’ve been using this Organifi product for a while now.

And it’s just, just, it’s changed my life. You know, I hate eating vegetables, I hate doing all this stuff, and this has made a huge difference in my the way I feel. I have more energy and blah, blah, blah. If you wanna check it out for yourself, go ahead and click the link somewhere on this page where I posted this this video, right? So that’s one way because guess what? People are friends with you on Facebook, and if they are friends with you on Facebook, the chances are they’re gonna be more likely to buy something from you, okay? And that’s where you can make some quick sales right away. Because if you recommend a product to somebody, okay, they’re probably gonna do it, okay? They’re probably gonna buy it the other way, okay? To promote it is if to look for private groups on Facebook, and there’s a ton of private groups and there’s a lot of ways you can make money with private groups for free.

So I just did a quick you know, search here in Facebook, right? And I just typed in weight loss groups for women, okay? And just going through here, guys, I mean, there are a ton of groups, all these groups here all focused on weight loss and most importantly, you can see what their member count is. So this one right here has 10,000 members in it, okay? So 10,000 people that are interested in losing weight, okay? And just imagine how cool it would be to take your offer. And you know, what I recommend is join the group, okay? And start to post some good content, right? Post some blog posts, say, Hey, I saw this blog, blah, blah, blah. And then also what you start doing is start to promote your offers in there and just say, Hey, listen, you know, I don’t know if you guys have tried this out.

I tried to Organifi, it’s been great. You know, I just feel like I have more energy in the morning. Check it out, boom, here’s a link, okay? Just make sure you check with the group’s terms and conditions, but most people will let you post those links in there. No issues, okay? And most people don’t even know what affiliate marketing is. So you’ll get away with it no problem. So but make sure you check with the group owner first, okay? Especially if they say no affiliate links, then you can’t put those in there. But if anyone asks you, that’s the one thing I would do, okay? The other thing that I would do is I would post you know, kind of like a teaser thing. Hey, here’s my, you know, five ways I’ve used Organifi. If you’re interested in more, just shoot me a message, okay? People private message you, and then you can set ’em the affiliate links to buy your Organifi or whatever offer it is you’re promoting, right? You can even do, you know, like for example, let’s see, let’s type in survival groups.

Okay? So if we type in survival groups, there’s probably gonna be quite a bit. Look at this guys practical prepping and survival group. 23,000 people off-grid survival preppers, hunters, weapons and medical 21,000 members. And the cool thing is, is you can see what the activity is. So there’s over 10, 10 posts per day happening in that group. So you know, it’s an active group and people are really, you know, checking in on it. So that’s another way. So if you have a, a survival offer, you have like, you know, there’s a lot of networks and I know if Click Bank even has a few where they have like tactical flashlights and things like that, you can post that stuff in there and you will get sales from it. So that’s the easiest way guys to make money today using Click Bank without spending money on advertising or anything like that.

Now, obviously once you start to make some money with ClickBank, I personally believe you should reinvest that into your advertising budget. That’s something we talk about in my course Commission hero is, is to take the money that you make from profit and reinvest it into advertising. That way you can scale up and make even more money. That’s kind of what I’ve done with my own success on ClickBank. But you know, if you’re looking for a way that doesn’t cost you any money, those are too sure for hour ways to make some good money with ClickBank without spending any money on ads. All right guys, so there you have it. That’s how you make money with ClickBank today without spending a dollar or a dime on marketing. So make sure you post the comments below and let me know how much money you make with this method.

Hey, thanks so much for watching my video. If you like my video, then you’re gonna love the free gift that I have for you in the description box. So that link in description box is to a free training on how I became the number one click Bank affiliate in the world, but more importantly, how you can make money with Click Bank and Facebook. Now, I want you to do three things for me right now. First thing I want you to do is gimme a thumbs up on this video if you enjoyed the content and it was relevant to you. Second of all, I want you to comment below with any questions you have because I love your questions and I’ll get back to you and reply to those comments as well. And finally, I want you to go ahead and subscribe by clicking that subscribe button so you can stay up to date, get notifications because we post content each and every week. It’ll help you make more money online. So go ahead and put that subscribe button and I’ll see you guys in the next video.