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October 1, 2022

Affiliate Marketing On A Budget

Posted In: Affiliate Marketing, ClickBank, Make Money Online

Transcript Below

Hey, what’s going on guys? Robby Blanchard here. In this video, we’re gonna be talking about how much is enough when it comes to affiliate marketing, and I’m gonna answer some of your most pressing questions. Let’s get into it right now.

All right guys, so welcome to another video. In this video, I’m gonna be answering the questions you’ve been asking me for the past couple weeks on my channel. So, as you know, we just released this channel just a few months ago, and we’re already at a thousand subscribers. So first of all, thank you to the thousand subscribers who are already part of this channel. I know it’s growing really, really fast, and I hopefully you guys get a ton of value and content out of it. But we’ve been getting a lot of questions in the videos, and I think that’s awesome. And so what I wanna do today is to put together a kind of a question and answer type of video for you guys to answer the questions you have so they can help you make more money online and, which is always a good thing, right?

So I got my question paper right here. So let’s get into it right now, guys. So one of the questions that was left by a viewer was Hey, Robby, great stuff you put out in the video. I saw you responded to a question below saying that you all you need to start is 10 to $20 per day for your advertising budget, and then you can start to scale as you go. Is that true? Now the answer is yes, it is true. Okay, because I think one of the biggest misconceptions people say and think about when it comes to paid advertising, whether it’s on Facebook or Snapchat or whatever platform you want to advertise on, is you need to have a massive, massive budget in order to get started. And I think that’s not true at all. As a matter of fact, I think all you really need is anywhere from 10 to $20 per day.

Now with the 10 to $20 per day, you have to be, of course, you know, fairly smart about how you’re gonna use that 10 to $20 per day. Obviously, with a bigger budget, you can test up more things, you have better options. But typically, even if you’re in my course commission here, I teach people, you know, 10 to $20 a day is a perfect starting point because as long as you are targeting the three big niches, which is health, wealth, and relationships, you’re gonna have the best shot of having success and making that $20 go a long way. So hopefully that answers your question there. Now the next question was at 10 to $20 a day sounds amazing, but for how many days? Right? Well you know, basically the answer to that question is as many days as you need to go, right?

Because what’s gonna happen is typically 10 to $20 a day may start you know, for the first couple days you may go 10 to $20 a day, which is fine. But what’s gonna happen guys, is you’re gonna start to get conversions in sales. And ideally, what you want to do is you want to say you can spend $20, you make a hundred dollars that day, you’re not gonna take that $80 profit and go and spend it, right? You’re gonna take it and you’re gonna reinvest it into your advertising budget. So what’s gonna happen there is over time over, and that’s gonna compound on itself. You’re gonna go from 10, $20 a day to now a couple hundred, even a couple thousand dollars a day in advertising, and you’re making money as you go along. And then once you get to a certain level, then you’re gonna start to pull those profits out and keep those in your bank account, right?

But the worst thing you can do guys, is to just take that profit right away and just start to spend it. You wanna reinvest back into your advertising budget. That’s how you’re gonna be able to bankroll your success. Okay? So hopefully that answers that question there. Based on your experience, how many days on average would you need to start testing and tweaking involved before starting to turn a profit, following your methods and commission hero for promoting click bank products? So the answer to that, that once again is, like I said, you gotta spend 10, $20 a day to start. More is better, but if you have to start there, that’s fine. And then all you’re gonna do guys, is, like I said, you’re gonna start and set up your campaign. It’s usually when they set up a campaign, it’s gonna have multiple ad in that campaign targeting different you know, audiences and interests and lookalikes and everything.

And then what you’re gonna do is let it run for 24 to 48 hours, okay? If you get sales, great all you would start to do is once you get sales, reinvest those profits back into your marketing budget, right? For me personally, I will spend, you know, I’ll go three, four days without a sale especially at that level because I wanna make sure that you know, it takes time for Facebook to optimize your campaigns and get it set up the right way. So that’s really what I would do. Guys, be patient. If you’re spending 10 to $20 a day, things may happen a little bit slower than you want them to, as compared to you know, a hundred dollars a day. But that’s what I would recommend guys, is go, you know, 10 to $20 a day, you know, run your campaigns for 24 to 48 hours, see what happens, okay?

And then make adjustments from there. And when you do that, you’re gonna take the profits, pull them back into your advertising budget, and that’s how you’re gonna bank roll your success. I’ve been under, under the impression that it is not advisable to start these kind of advertising campaigns if you don’t have a budget of at least 1500 to $2,000, which should be enough to get you through multiple days of spending at 10 to $20 a day. Unless you have big enough positive ROI for you to scale with the rest of what’s left of the 1500 to $2,000 budget, you don’t have to have a huge budget, right? If you’re having a $2,000 in total budget, that means you have a lot to work with, okay? And you don’t need to do that right away, okay? I would say if you have, you know, say for example, you’re spending $20 a day, you times that by 30 days at $600, right?

So you don’t need to have anything more than that. If you were gonna do $1,500 total, that’s fi $50 a day. So start at that five to $600 level, okay? And just plan on spending that much for that month and then adjust, right? Of course, as you go along here, you’re gonna be adjusting and spending more money. The thing with you know, the methods that I teach when it comes to paid advertising is you’re always gonna have Facebook ads as an expense, okay? It’s just part of the part of doing business, right? But what you wanna do guys, is don’t let that be a barrier to success, okay? You can start 10, $20 a day, and you can go from there as long as you have the right offer that’s targeting that broad niche, and you have everything dialed in there, okay?

So that’s my advice when it comes to that question. I’ll only have $40 after I pay for the course to run ads, which is about two to four days worth of advertising. Is $40 more than enough to start? If not, how much total would you advise is enough based on your experience? Well to be honest with you, and, and just being completely transparent, if you only have $40 to spend on ads after you buy my course, I would not recommend buying my course. Okay? And the reason why is in this situation, $40 is probably not gonna get you to where you want to be in terms of success, okay? So what I would recommend is just, you know, in your case, it’s to save some more money, okay? Whether taking a second job, you’re getting a part-time job and just building up anywhere from 500 to a thousand dollars in total advertising costs and, and, and, and budget for yourself.

So you have a good shot of being successful. Because I could never in good conscious say, Hey, buy my course, we have $40 left. I think that’s crazy. It just wouldn’t make sense. You wouldn’t have success you know, with the course because your, your budget would be so, so limited, and I want you to have success, right? So I would say my advice to you, if you only have $40 left, I would take another job, wait a little bit longer, save some money, so you have that 500 to a thousand dollars reserve, then you can get into the course, then you can start making money that way. All right? So another question we had from a viewer was, how long should we let the campaign go before we know if we should kill the campaign or keep it going? Right? And the answer’s very simple.

Typically, when you start a campaign, what I like to do, guys, my my rule of thumb is let it run 24 to 48 hours without touching it. All right? Now, when do you kill a campaign? Well, the rule of thumb for me, honestly, is that whatever product you’re promoting, say the product costs $40 for somebody to buy it, right? So for me, what I’m going to do is I’m gonna run my ad, okay, all the way up to one and a half times to two times that sale price, okay? So what that means is I’m willing to spend anywhere from $60 all the way up to $80 at first when I first start a campaign to see if I can get a sale. Okay? If I don’t get a sale within that timeframe, I’m probably gonna kill the campaign or kill the ad set, and then I’m gonna go ahead and create and, and test out the creatives and see what’s going on there, right?

It’s super important to do that because you know, you don’t want to just keep spending money, and also you don’t wanna kill the campaign too soon because I’ve seen a lot of people that I’ve worked with would’ve spent maybe $10 and they’re, oh my God, I haven’t had any sales yet, and they kill the campaign. And that’s way too early, guys, because Facebook hasn’t even optimized the campaign. So that’s my answer to that. Yeah. So another question from another viewer is, Robbie, realistically, how much of a budget can I really have and need in order to really scale up and have success with paid advertising promoting click bank offers? So the answer to that is honestly and truly, here’s the deal, right? You know, whether it’s, you know, whether it’s $500, whether it’s a thousand, whether it’s 2000, at the end of the day, guys, when it comes to your advertising, you need to have enough budget where a, you can do a little bit of testing, right?

So if you want to find out which offer is best, which ads are gonna work best, which copy’s gonna work best, you need to have the advertising budget. So if you only had $4 total chances are you’re better off saving your money right now and having and saving up that budget until it gets a little bit more significant, and then you can run some stuff with it because it’s paid advertising, right? It’s not it’s not a magic wand, it’s not a magic pill or, or a silver bullet, right? There is testing involved, and sometimes when you start a campaign, it’s not gonna be profitable right out the gate. And if you’re in a under pressure where you’re like, I got 40 bucks to spend and that’s it, okay? You’re probably gonna be in a bad situation. And also guys you never want to be in a position where you feel like you’re playing ketchup, okay?

That I think that’s a bad situation to be in, because what happens is no longer does it become an advertising mentality where you’re looking at the data, you’re analyzing, you’re making changes based on that data, you now become a gambler, right? And you have a gambler’s mindset where you try to double down and do this, and then what happens is, of course, the house always wins. You’re end up losing money and then you say, oh, Jesus doesn’t work. But it does. It’s not that it doesn’t work, you’re just in the wrong mindset and didn’t have the right budget to make it work, guys. So that’s my advice is anywhere from, if you’re starting at $500 thousand dollars, $1,500 just know that you’re gonna be spending money on testing ads out. That’s just part of the game when it comes to affiliate marketing and paid affiliate marketing.

Just, just keep that in mind, guys. And if you are on a lower budget, I would recommend just saving some money, okay? Whether it’s you know, getting a second job, okay? Doing a part-time thing, doing something that’s gonna help you generate some more income. And then once you have a nice little cash reserve, then you can start to roll that into your advertising. So hopefully that helps. All right, guys. So there you have it. Those are the answers to your questions when it comes to scaling on a budget and advertising on a lower budget. Now, if you have more questions, which I’m sure you do, then please post in the comments below whether it’s about scaling budget, affiliate marketing, anything in general, because from time to time we’ll be doing question and answer videos like this on the channel. So make sure you post your comments below.

Hey, thanks so much for watching this video. If you like this video, then you’re gonna love the free training that I have for you in the description below. It’s a training on how I became the number one click bank affiliate in the entire world, but more importantly, how you can make money online with ClickBank and my three step method. Now, guys, if you love watching this video, do three things for me right now. First of all, it give you a thumbs up. Show me you love the content. Second of all, comment below with any questions you have because I love to answer them. And finally, hit that subscribe button because each and every week we’re pumping out new content that’s gonna make you more money online. So that’s it, guys. I’ll talk to you soon and take care.