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August 20, 2022

Make Money In Affiliate Marketing Without An Audience

Posted In: Clickbank Affiliate Marketing, Facebook Advertising, Make Money Online

Transcript Below

Hey, what’s going on guys? Robby Blanchard here. In this video, we’re gonna talk to you about how you can make money with affiliate marketing, even if you don’t have an audience. So let’s get into it right now.

All right, guys, so in this video, we’re gonna be talking about how to be successful when it comes to affiliate marketing, even if you don’t have an audience. So one of the misconceptions that I think a lot of people have, and when it comes to affiliate marketing is that you need to, first of all, be an influencer. You need to be known you have to have some type of clout or an email list at the very least. And guys, that’s not true at all. As a matter of fact, when I became an affiliate marketer, when I had the most success as an affiliate marketer, nobody even knew who the heck I was. Okay? It wasn’t until obviously, I won, you know, the ClickBank contest. And it wasn’t until I started to really you know, promote Commission Hero, which is my course that that’s when, you know, success kind of happened. People started to realize who the heck I was.

But prior to that, guys, I was pretty much unknown which is kind of, I actually kind of missed those days sometimes because it’s nice to just kind of be under the radar. But guys, in order to be successful as an affiliate marketer, you do not have to have a audience, okay? You don’t have to have a following. You don’t have to have, you know, a huge Instagram following or anything like that. As a matter of fact, all you need to really do guys, is you need to learn how to run and be successful at paid traffic. I mean, that’s the, that is the secret sauce. That’s been my success, my secret to my success. Because honestly and truly, even though I didn’t know you know, I didn’t have a following, I didn’t have an email list, I didn’t have anything.

I was still able to win multiple affiliate contests and become the number one click bank affiliate in the entire world. So my advice to you is, first of all, make sure you are really good at learning how to do paid traffic. So that could be Facebook, that could be Instagram, that could be YouTube, it could be Google. It doesn’t really matter where the traffic’s coming from, as long as you are paying for it you can manufacture your success, okay? Now, the second thing you wanna do, of course, is you want to have an offer. So an offer that you wanna promote. So it could be, you know, for example, on a weight loss offer, right? So if something on ClickBank’s, a weight loss offer, it could be, and then do it yourself niche. It could be the relationship niche. It could be in the wealth niche.

You know, say you’re promoting Commission Hero or something like that is finding that offer guys, and really the audience that you’re gonna be sending it to is built into that offer. So, for example, if you have a weight loss offer and you say you’re promoting something like flat Belly Fix or Cinderella Solution or something like that on Click Bank, one of the top offers on Click Bank, then all you need to do guys, is put it in front of the audience that’s most likely to buy, okay? So if it’s a weight loss offer, obviously you’re gonna put that in front of people on your paid traffic that are interested in weight loss interested in, you know, Nutrisystem interested in Weight Watchers, interested in those sort of things, right? Because it just makes sense. Basically, you’re taking an a solution, which is an offer that you have on ClickBank.

So the solution is for someone that wants to lose weight, Hey, we have a weight loss product. And by doing that, what that’s gonna do is putting that in front of somebody and an audience that has a problem, which is, Hey, how do I lose weight? How do I get in better shape? Same thing when it comes to, you know, survival stuff, or when it comes to you know, for example, another offer that’s really good on ClickBank right now is the power efficiency guide is basically how to home power and self power your own home without, you know, relying on, you know, the, you know, the electric electricity companies and things like that. And so basically the, the solution, right? Is that offer power efficiency guide and putting it in front of the audience, which is people who want to get off the grid, people who are survivalists, people who are you know, kind of conservative, right?

So it’s just basically matching up the right offer with the right audience, okay? And that audience does not have to be your audience, right? They don’t even have to know who you are. And that’s one of the benefits. And one of the reasons why I love affiliate marketing, and, and this is a question I get asked all the time, is, you know, people say, Robbie, when you run ads do you have to, do people know it’s you that’s running the ad? And the answer is no, because what you’re doing is you’re running your ad through fan pages that you’ve built, which are a brand, and they kind of, you know, work along that weight loss niche or that do it yourself niche. And, and basically that’s what people see, right? So they don’t see your name or anything like that associated with your advertising.

So, so to answer your question when it comes to that, guys, you know, do you have to have an audience in order to be successful with affiliate marketing? The answer is no. As long as you’re doing paid advertising, because paid advertising guys, really, once you learn how to do paid advertising and market affiliate offers on ClickBank, you know, ClickBank offers or other networks on things like Facebook, Instagram Snapchat, YouTube, all this stuff, that’s where the success comes in because you’re able to, now you’re putting in money and you’re getting money back, right? So that’s the key to it, guys, is really learning how to master paid traffic whether it’s Facebook ads or whatever, and putting the offer like those click bank offers in front of you, right? Audience, okay? So yes, you need to have an audience, but no, it does not have to be your own audience.

Hey, thanks so much for watching my video. If you like this video, guys, and you’re gonna love the free gift that I have for you in the description box below. It’s a free training on how I became the number one click bank affiliate in the entire world, but more importantly, how you can make money online just as well. Now, guys, if you love this video, make sure to do three things for me right now. Gimme a thumbs up, show me like the content. Also comment below because I love to hear and see your questions. And finally, guys, make sure you subscribe to the channel because each and every week we’re pumping out new content that’s gonna make you more money online. So that’s it, guys. I’ll talk to you later and take care.