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September 26, 2022

5 Affiliate Marketing Secrets I Wish I Had Known Sooner

Posted In: Affiliate Marketing Business, Clickbank Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing

Transcript Below

Hey, what’s up guys? Robby Blanchard here. In this video, I wanna share with you five affiliate marketing secrets that I wish I knew before. Let’s get into it right now.

All right, guys, so in this video I wanna share with you five affiliate marketing secrets that I wish I knew a long time ago. It took me years to learn. But because of those secrets I’ve had a lot of success. And so I wanna share them with you today so it doesn’t take you years to have that type of success as well. So this is something I’ve been teaching a lot of my students lately in my commission hero course, and it’s something that’s really helped to propel their success. Now, the first secret guys, is you don’t have to have multiple offers that you’re promoting in order to be successful, right? This is a misconception that I think people think about all the time, is that they think that in order to have success on Facebook more is better, right? So whether it’s a, you know, one offer or three offers or five offers, if I’m promoting five offers, I’m gonna make way more money, right?

That is not true. Okay? In order to be successful, you just have to focus on one offer and one offer only. Okay? Now, having said that, it should be an offer that meets the big three requirements, right? Which is the big three niches. So it has to be in the health niche, has to be in the wealth niche, or it has to be in the relationship niche. And the reason why is because those niches are the biggest niches in the world. There’s literally millions and hundreds of millions of people and each one of those niches. And if you have one offer that converts like crazy, right? You’re never gonna run out of customers and you can scale up to the moon, okay? As a matter of fact earlier this year when I won the ClickBank affiliate contest, I became number one affiliate in the world.

It all came because I was promoting one main offer, okay? I didn’t have 10 offers and all that stuff. I killed everybody in the contest because I was promoting one offer and one offer only. Okay? So that’s the first secret. So the second secret that I’ve learned is that it is okay to lose money initially in your campaigns. Now, I know it sounds counterintuitive. I know it sounds crazy because we always talk about as affiliate marketers is making money, but guys, let’s face it, when you first start a campaign and you have a brand new pixel with no data on it, and you have a new offer that you’re testing out, you’re gonna lose money initially, okay? And that’s okay because as long as you don’t continue to lose money, that’s when the problem happens, right? But initially, when you start a campaign, all you wanna do is you want buy data.

So I want to know, hey, who’s clicking on what, what’s my clickthrough rate? What’s my percentage of people clicking from my ad to my landing page, my landing page to my offer? How many people are going to the order form on the offer page, right? Those are all really, really important stats you need to learn right off the gate, because that’s gonna help you optimize and dial in in the future, right? So one thing that I always kind of struggled working with my clients and working with my students is a lot of them get kind of worried that, oh, I spent a hundred dollars and I haven’t made my money back yet. What do I do? Do I turn off the campaign? Do I, you know, do I just quit? And the answer is no, guys, you only spent a hundred bucks, right? It’s not enough money and time before you can make informed decisions.

So you need to spend some time collecting data. And that’s gonna be really important because what you’re gonna do, guys, is you need to have that data because then you’re gonna make informed decisions. Remember advertising, you don’t want to have, wanna have a gambler’s mentality, or you’re just hoping and praying it works. You don’t know why it works, but you just hope it does, right? Because all numbers advertising on Facebook is all about numbers. So that’s the second secret. So secret number three is you can reach out to a product owner and ask them to place the pixel on their pages. This is something I didn’t know for a long time, and the reason why I didn’t know it was because I, I just didn’t know. I had no idea. And I, and so for me, I was always trying to get, you know, my pixel on the click my click bank account, which would give me some information, it wouldn’t necessarily be accurate, and it would kind of mess up my results.

But it wasn’t until I found out that I could actually reach out to a vendor and ask them to place my pixel on their pages that it really opened up the doors for me, right? Because by placing my pixel on their pages that allows me to gather all the information, like everyone that goes to that page, I have that information on my pixel. And also it allowed me to, you know, really scale up a lot, a lot more, more accurately because, you know, I could see the purchases coming in. I knew the purchases coming in were more accurate because everybody was going to that first upsell page. Not everybody was going to the thank you page, right? And so that was where I was able to really see a big difference. So remember, you can reach out to a vendor and ask them to place the pixel on your page.

Now, having said that, if you’re just starting out, it might be tough for you for them to actually do that for you because they don’t know who you are. And it, and really it comes down to having some sales and some, you know, almost like a track record. And that’s why that’s one of the benefits of being in, in my commission hero course, is because my students use my name <laugh> to get their pixels placed on there. But that’s something you can do. You guys, you can definitely reach out to vendors and ask them to place your pixel on their page. All right? Secret number four that I wish I knew earlier that I know now, is that you can actually request increased commission payouts from the product owners. So here’s something you’re gonna wanna do, guys, is as you start to get into it, most of the time when you first start affiliate marketing, you’re gonna be paying getting paid 75% commission on a sale, right?

That’s kind of standard nowadays years back it was 50% but now they’ve actually bumped it up, so 75%. But did you know that once you start to get some sales, once you get start to get some traction you can actually reach out to the vendor and ask for a commission bump. Now, all you will do is, first of all, you gotta be really cool about it. You can be very polite and very friendly in your email and just say, Hey, so and so, my name is my name is Robbie, and for the past couple weeks I’ve been promoting your product. I’ve been getting I had a hundred sales so far has been going great. But I wanted to know if it’s possible for me to get a commission bump because I’m running paid traffic. My margins are a little bit lower than I like them to be, but with a commission bump, I know that I can spend more money and I can make more money, right?

So by framing it that way, what’s gonna happen is those the vendors are probably gonna end up giving you a commission bump for 90%. And the reason why they’re gonna do that guys, is because you gotta remember, most vendors are not running their own traffic, especially on Click Bank. They’re relying on affiliates to run the traffic for them. So if you’re an affiliate and you say to somebody, Hey, listen, I would love to run your stuff and continue to run your stuff, but I don’t know if I can because my margins are too low on my paid advertising, guess what, guys? They’re gonna give you a commission bump because they don’t want your traffic to stop because they want the customers, right? So that’s another secret that I’ve learned is you can actually reach out once you get some sales reach out to get that commission bump from that product owner.

And then secret number five that you need to learn when it comes to affiliate marketing is you need to factor in refund rates and need to factor in the money being held by Click Bank. Okay? This is something that I learned the hard way a few months, a few years back when I was first getting into affiliate marketing is that I didn’t realize that the product that I was promoting had a refund rate of about 23% <laugh>, which is terrible, right? So if you’re running paid traffic, and usually if my profit margins are like 40%, alright, and you have a 40% profit margin, and then you’re like, oh my God, they just wiped way 23% off the table, okay? That leaves you with what? 17%. All right? Then you gotta factor in that ClickBank holds 10% on their reserve for up to 12 weeks, right?

That brings me down to 7% profit, okay? Which is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to making money, right? It’s just, I might, I mean, what’s the point of advertising if you’re only making 7%, right? Now that’s something that’s really important to factor in when it comes to you making your decisions. Now, what I would recommend if I were you is when you promote a product and offer on ClickBank is I would reach out to the affiliate manager or the product owner and say, Hey, listen, I’m looking to promote your product. I want to see what is your typical refund rate for your product. Now if it’s a good product, it’s gonna be around 10%, okay? If it’s, you know, sometimes in the weight loss niche or the make money niche, it’s gonna be a little bit higher.

Just give you an example. Like my product commission hero, our refund rate is just at 7%. So it’s really, really low. And which, and that’s important guys, because the money that you are making from promoting affiliate offers you want to keep, you don’t have to worry about, you know, a 23% refund rate. I mean, that’s crazy, right? So if you’re in that 10% range, just factor that into your numbers when you make your decisions for scaling, whether, whether you kill an ad or, or not to kill an ad. That’s really important, guys. That’s a secret, is to know your numbers and also realize that 10% is gonna be withheld from you by click bank for up to 12 weeks. So just keep that in mind because as you’re running paid advertising, cash flow is really, really, really important. And so you need to factor that in because the last thing you want have happen is you start to get on a roll, you start to make money, and then you have to stop because you need to catch up with your cash flow and you’re paying off your credit cards.

So keep that in mind, guys. That is tip number five. All right guys. So there you have it. Those are the five secrets that I wish I knew when I first started affiliate marketing. So make sure you follow those secrets. Make sure you keep those in mind when you’re advertising for your own campaigns. And when you do that, guys, I promise, you’re gonna have more success. You’re gonna make less mistakes, you’re gonna be more profitable. Hey, thanks so much for watching this video, guys. If you like this video, then you’re gonna love the free gift that I have for you in the description below. It’s a free training on how I became the number one click bank affiliate in the entire world, but more importantly, how you can make money online too. Now, guys, if you love this video, then make sure you do three things for me right now. Give me a thumbs up, show me you like the content. Also make sure you comment below because I love, love to answer your questions. And finally, make sure you hit that subscribe button because each and every week we’re pumping out new content to make you more money online. So that’s it guys. I’ll talk to you soon and take care.